Pecan Pie Cookies


Why have one cookie when you can have two? Especially when they are smooshed together with a big dollop of creamy heaven. They look like a sophisticated 'grown-ups' treat, but don't blame me if you find yourself twisting them open, licking out the zesty lemony cream and scraping your bottom teeth along the base for all and any remnants. An excellent treat for both a lunchbox or handbag (or crammed into your pocket when no one is looking. The average coat pocket holds around 2-3). Nut flours can get quite pricey, so grab it wholesale or you can even try making your own; literally use any nut and finely blend it to smithereens in a food processor. And of course these cookies are completely free from added sugars, dairy and gluten. Perfect for those of you on the SCD, gluten free and paleo diet.

Makes 8

Biscuit Base

1 cup pecan flour 1 cup almond meal 2 Tbs coconut Flour ½ tsp baking soda 1 large egg ¼ cup coconut oil - softened ⅓ cup honey ½ tsp sea salt 1 tsp pure vanilla essence 8 whole pecans


⅓ cup cacao butter – melted ½ cup cashew butter ¼ cup honey 1 Lemon – juice only 1 tsp pure vanilla essence

  1. Combine the flours with the baking soda in a food processor.
  2. In a bowl mix the egg with the coconut oil honey salt and vanilla until light and frothy.
  3. Pour into the food processor with the flours and mix thoroughly.
  4. Remove the dough from the food processor and roll one tablespoon at a time into small balls.
  5. Flatten with wet fingers into round cookie shapes. There should be 16 altogether.
  6. Place one whole pecan into the center of 8 of the cookies.
  7. Bake for 15 minutes. Then let cool completely.
  8. Whilst baking the cookies prepare the filling.
  9. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and with an electric mixer, mix the filling for at least two minutes, until it has turned thick and light in color.
  10. Once the cookies are completely cooled down, place 1 ½ tsp of the filling onto the cookie without the pecan and top, squishing down gently the top cookie, which has the pecan.
  11. Keep refrigerated in an airtight container.